You need to set one of the bar option to 'npc_HP'. you can also use the !jf-rollhp command and every token selected will have their HP rolled. Added option to auto roll HP when dragging character sheet to board. Just set the jf.parsebarX option to '' if you don't want to use that bar. Added option to set token bar to any character sheet attributs. Should I disable those by default? Update 2.1 Corrected bug that strip first character from bio and remove some forgotten debug log. NOTE that Bar1 (Green) set to HP, Bar2 (Blue) set to AC, Bar3 (Red) set to Speed by default. Correct setting value to token bar when value contain a inline roll recursively. The token name will have a random number append to it. Select a token and use command !jf-clone X where X is the number of clone, or better, create a macro with this text without quote: '!jf-clone ?'. The token image need to be from an uploaded image to your library. Gmnote are now added to the sheet (like before) Added basic cloning token functionnality. Added parameters for setting the bar max value or not. The script will populate the NPC sheet (except for Lair Action) and create token action. Create a token, paste statblock text in GM notes fields, optionnaly put 2 line break to separate bio/flavor text at the end, then type !jf-parse command in chat. Hi all, Here is a script to automaticaly create a Monster character sheet from a statblock.